Archive for Mindset
Are You Living Your Dreams?
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Thierry Henry photo courtesy Wikipedia
While Beth and I were at a professional soccer game last Saturday night featuring the New York Red Bulls and Sporting Kansas City, we noticed that the Red Bulls’ featured player (star) was Thierry Henry. We then realized that it was exactly 10 years ago to the day that Beth and I saw him play in London when he was new to Arsenal Soccer.
We got to meet Thierry back then because we were working for Tony Adams, who was the captain of the team at that time. We had been hired to set up an addiction clinic for professional athletes, which also included a peak performance aspect. As part of working for Tony, we went to several Arsenal games and sat in his box. Afterwards we were invited to the post-game party in the club. It was there that we met Thierry.
Working in London for Tony Adams was a dream job, not only because I love soccer—and still play—but also because I had the chance to work for one of the world’s best soccer stars.
I truly believe that experience was the result of setting two different goals: one to work internationally and another to work with professional athletes. I just didn’t know that I would get to do both at once.
What important dreams are you setting in place? Do you have the beliefs to support those dreams? Search your memory and see if you have had an experience like mine—one that was the result of setting a big goal and then going for it.
by Jenna Avery
(posted on her blog, February 15, 2011)
Terry Hickey is a talented NLP practitioner who specializes in belief change work with high end coaches, entrepreneurs, visionaries, leaders, and athletes. Many of the visionaries he works with are in the film industry, including actors, directors, producers, and dialog coaches. He also works with financial visionaries and professional athletes. I interviewed Terry last year as part of my Creative Visionaries Interview Series to see what he can teach us about why some visionaries succeed and others do not.
Visionary Guiding Principles
Here are some of the brilliant pieces of wisdom I gleaned from my conversation with Terry (you can listen to the full interview below):
1. Visionaries have a higher purpose that is the underpinning of the vision they create. They also have a sense of mission — a joy and passion for what they do. They don’t see it as a struggle, but rather as a joy and a privilege, to create what they are here to create.
2. Visionaries face the same sorts of challenges and opportunities the rest of us do, but they see them as opportunities. In other words, don’t think of a lack of success as failure, think of it as feedback. For example, try on this thought, “I haven’t yet employed the right strategies.” Ask, “How is this an opportunity? What’s the learning?”
3. Successful visionaries have a mentor or coach to turn to for help reframing or thinking about things differently. Even Bill Gates and Walt Disney have had mentors. Choose mentors that are as competent as or more competent than you are — don’t be afraid of competition. Choose to learn from people who know more than you do.
4. As a visionary, your role is to create such a powerful vision that others want to create it with you. Terry notes, “Leaders have followers, managers have conscripts.”
5. Visionaries hold what they are doing as so important that they simply can’t NOT do it. They are driven by something larger than themselves. They always go back to their dream — even when challenges come up that keep them awake at night and even when they might lose people they love over it — it’s so powerful they always come back to it.
6. A quality that sets visionaries apart is clarity. They know what they are doing and why they are doing it.
7. Visionaries are so committed that they are willing to get through any stuckness that may come up. They know they must manage things like writer’s block or athelete’s slumps so it doesn’t become their overriding experience.
8. Successful visionaries recognize their own limitations and bring someone on board to help fill in the gaps. Warren Buffet, Oprah, Bill Gates all have in common that they have brought people on board to help them with their problem areas.
9. Visionaries must learn the distinctions between each part of the process of bringing an idea to fruition in order to be successful. This includes creative phase (brainstorming), the evaluative phase (feasibility), and the project management phase (procedural and systematic). Walt Disney used three different rooms for each of these processes — each had its own time and place.
Books Terry mentioned when speaking with Jenna:
• Magic In Practice
• The Speed of Trust
• From Coach to Awakener
• Changing Belief Systems with NLP
• Beliefs: Pathways to Health & Well-Being
• The Strategies of Genius
Note: You can learn more about Jenna Avery by visiting her website at
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Does Perfectionism Lead to Success, or Does Perfectionism Slow You Down?
Posted by: | Comments“It’s more important to be out there than to be perfect.” – James Malinchak
As I mentioned in my last post, one of the coaches I know values doing things well but is not hampered by having to be “perfect.” I’ve seen people paralyzed by perfectionism. If you need to make decisions and take action, this almost always stops you, particularly if your perfect comparative is with really high-end, absolutely-no-mistake products. How long do you think it took them to become perfect?
A better example of an approach that will allow you to take action is James Malinchak’s “get stuff done fast” method in which you allow yourself to correct things later, making sure you arrange for feedback. He believes it’s more important to be out there than to be perfect. He’s learned to take the feedback he gets and tailor what he’s doing to fit with what he’s learned from people like Bill Glazer.
Is perfectionism standing in the way of your success?
Are your beliefs about being perfect holding you back?
P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do, just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Who Are Your Mentors?
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I just finished recording a segment for my Download of the Month Club. This audio features an exercise on finding your inner mentors, so as I recorded it I thought about some of the important mentors in my life
The one who immediately came to mind is my Chow Chow, Waiki. She is very old and infirm but still very much able to enjoy the moment. My walk with her this morning was bittersweet because I know she only has a few more walks in her. Her back legs suffer intermittent paralysis so she has been falling often, each time patiently waiting for me to pick her up so she can go on exploring.
How is she a mentor? Because from the moment she came into our life she demonstrated immediate trust and devotion. She was a street dog who had been abandoned and was surviving on scraps. It turns out that she had laid claim to a barbecue place close to us, eating crickets and other insects she found in the lighted areas nearby.
My wife Beth and our now-deceased Golden Retriever Weiser were on a walk, and Waiki followed them home, limping badly. She was a mess. At the best of times Chows require lots of grooming, so imagine one who hadn’t been touched for several months. In addition to fleas and mange, she was suffering from “milk fever” and had a liter of puppies.
The minute Waiki arrived she decided she was ours, and from that time on we bonded in a profound, trusting way. I have subsequently learned that Chows tend to form tight, protective bonds with either their master or family. She did that and then some. Her name, which came to us quickly, is a Quechua (Inca) word meaning “esteemed companion.“ She has been that and much more.
Waiki is only expected to live for a few more days. While preparing ourselves for the inevitable, she recovered from the paralysis in one of her rear legs, allowing her to walk again. So on our walk today, I allowed myself to fully feel. Tears came to me, and I sobbed uncontrollably. I realized once again that as my mentor, Waiki made it okay to face painful truths.
I have been recovering from a heart attack that, on an emotional level, I believe was caused by my unwillingness to deeply feel and experience painful truths. The heart attack was essentially caused by a blockage, and my new willingness to feel deeply has resulted in an opening of my heart. After determining the areas in which I have not been loyal or trusting, I have committed to doing so for the people and ideas deserving my loyalty and trust. Perhaps most important, I have committed to trusting myself. This means that I am choosing who to commit to and how to be more trusting.
So who are your mentors, and what are you being called to question or learn from this year?
Please let me know. I am interested in hearing from you.
P.S. Do you want to share this article? Please do, but be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. His monthly e-zine, Belief Change Alchemy, offers coaches, entrepreneurs and leaders strategies for abolishing limiting beliefs that interfere with success, ultimately replacing them with life-changing, empowering beliefs. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want NOW.