Archive for Mindset
Are You Being Your Real Self?
Posted by: | CommentsI just finished my introductory letter about this month’s hypnotic download program. In researching material for this product I perused Transforming Your Self: Becoming Who You Want to Be
by Steve Andreas. Steve is an original thinker. He considers himself a scientist first and an author second. As a scientist he adopts a very pragmatic view of the world, and he brings that scientific worldview to his work in neuro-linguistic programming. In this interesting, useful book Steve explores the idea of self in depth.
The idea of the true self or authentic self is very common. What’s less common is knowing when you are expressing or fully engaging your true self. Steve suggests this and shows several ways for you to connect with and operate from your true self. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that when you are connecting in this way, you will be more congruent and have more impact on the world?
You have heard people say things like, “I wasn’t being myself” or “That’s not really who I am” or some other statement that implies there is another self, a false self or an unreal self. What is it that makes this statement make intrinsic sense? I propose it’s the idea that we have a true self that is somehow known to us.
Steve illustrates in many ways that this is so. He suggests processes for readers that allow us to discover how our brain codes experiences. He is able to systematically describe and make possible these discoveries through the experiences he recommends, allowing you to make your own discoveries. Then he illustrates the principles, many of which seem to be universals that actually allow not only learning but also change.
He expands on the idea of your true self, explaining that it’s better to think about your real selves, because we actually create several selves. It is useful to know which self serves you in pursuit of your values. It is important to find what is enjoyable, interesting and pleasing, etc. Having a self makes it possible to have a self-concept. Developing a self-concept that is true to what is important to you is what effectively supports you in your life goals.
I have been particularly interested in this theme of the true self because it often emerges when I am coaching. Many clients discover that as children or young people they took on or adopted a self that someone else wanted for them rather than allowing who they were to truly emerge. One way to understand this phenomenon is to recognize that when we are congruent with who we truly are, we move through the world with a great deal of clarity and power. Would it surprise you to discover that sometimes people play “small” so that others around them can be more comfortable and relaxed?
This phenomenon implies that one of your challenges is to be comfortable with your “selves” and stop shutting down or minimizing your power and clarity so that others can be comfortable. We may discover just the opposite—many people actually prefer us to be in our power. It might be better to say that we need to allow ourselves to be who we truly are and discover what emerges from that decision, rather than choosing to make someone else comfortable.
People who don’t think well of themselves usually don’t attempt very much, and if they don’t attempt very much they won’t accomplish much. So being able to identify who you truly are in different contexts will allow you to congruently take action, letting you be more productive and do things you enjoy more—rather than what you think you should do.
Are you comfortable with your true self? With all of your true selves? Are you letting yourself be who you truly are?
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About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Dream Big for Success
Posted by: | CommentsIt’s been a whirlwind of travel the past month, and I am about to leave today for Chicago for a seminar to train coaches on how to resolve limiting beliefs.
My travels began with San Diego last month, where I witnessed the fruition of two people’s “Big Dream.” Carey Peters and Stacey Morgenstern had their first of what I know will be many large gatherings to show health and nutrition practitioners how to run a business. Their audience, or tribe, is notorious for being mission driven but business phobic. One of the reasons Carey and Stacey were on stage is that they decided they were going to have a thriving business. What that meant for Carey was taking on some old demons linked to money. Money is really a generic way to think about prospering—you know, actually living a life with sufficient money to really allow your message to be in the world. Many of us have taken on beliefs that make prospering, as opposed to struggling, almost impossible.
Carey and Stacey overcame early messages about charging what you are worth and feeling good about it. Not only did they do that, but they now know the steps they took to make it happen. The two of them described their struggles and how they overcome them so that their clients could put in place the steps necessary to create thriving businesses. Most important, they continuously stressed the necessity to take on limiting beliefs about money and business practices. They know that without the work on mindset, there is a low likelihood of setting and reaching high financial goals
The other area that they so clearly modeled was the importance of investing in both your business and yourself. Their program went well because they had a team in place and had a structure that supported what they did. They acted like the success they are. A quote comes to mind: “Success leaves clues.”
For the past month I have been struggling with putting more foundational structures in place. I say struggling because my wife Beth and my VA Kristi Pavlik have pushed me ( I don’t think it’s been easy for them) in the direction I need to go if I am to maintain the level of success and, even more important, impact on the world that I want to have.
When you think about wanting to be a “success” and you have in mind someone like Carey or Stacey, take time to discover the mindsets they have or have adopted that made their success possible. The group I am connecting with in Chicago will be doing mindset work. I think the next Carey Peters will come out of this work.
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About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Would You Like to Embody Confidence, Courage and Determination?
Posted by: | CommentsThis month’s audio download is about Gaining Powerful States. It takes listeners through a process that will allow them to easily access states of courage, confidence and determination.
This recording is the fifth in the Belief Breakthrough Series™ Download of the Month Club, twelve hypnotic recordings designed to accelerate business success, positive attitudes and habits, and vibrant health.
There is an NLP idea or presupposition that states, “We always do the best we can at the time—or made the best decision we could at the time we made it.” So when we are able to step into highly resourceful states, the decisions we make and the actions we take will be better and of higher quality—allowing us to achieve excellence.
After listening to this recording and learning how to effortlessly access powerful states of courage, confidence and determination, you will also be equipped to better access other states of excellence. This download is designed to maximize your ability to access these resource states, making it easier to achieve more of what is really important to you.
Are you ready to access powerful states of excellence?
For more information about this and similar recordings, check out my Belief Breakthrough Series™ Download of the Month Club.
P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Are You a Leader that Others Want to Follow?
Posted by: | CommentsHow do you become a leader that others want to follow? This is the topic of this month’s download. Learning how to nurture your inner leader is particularly useful if you know you need to step into leadership roles.
Most of you are aware of the importance of leadership. It’s a continuous topic on the news and TV news shows. Why? Because we understand the importance of having strong, compelling leaders. What is not as clear is what constitutes a “leader” or how exactly you can become a leader that others want to follow.
Becoming the Leader that Others Want to Follow will take you through a process of learning how to tap into your leadership abilities and more effectively utilize them. You have been leading yourself for a long time. What this means is that you cannot not lead.
This month’s recording will give you an opportunity to explore and, where appropriate, improve your natural leadership. You may be questioning whether or not you want to lead, but since you are still reading this post, you are interested in learning. When you learn about your unique leadership style, you can then apply it to learning to lead and inspire others.
Imagine that you could step forward in a powerful, congruent way so that you can share your passion or message with others so they will be inspired.
Are you ready to lead?
For more information about this and similar recordings, check out my Belief Breakthrough Series™ 2011 Download of the Month Club.
P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Do You Have an Energizing Mission?
Posted by: | CommentsAccording to studies of people who have survived “incurable” cancers, they had two things in common at the time they were battling the disease. First, they believed that their treatment—whatever it was—would work. Second, they experienced a re-mission; their illnesses didn’t disappear, but they took on something larger than themselves, a new mission. They dedicated themselves to a new life’s work. For some it was a charity, for others a friend or family member, but in all cases, they took on something they felt was more important than themselves.
Waiki, our chow chow, is currently struggling with cancer. Since becoming sick, she has been less focused on our other dogs and more focused on us. She is now dedicated to her relationship with Beth and me. Waiki depends on us in ways she didn’t or wouldn’t before, even allowing me to pick her up and put her in the car. She embodies trust.
Waiki’s health was deteriorating when I left for Las Vegas at the end of July, and it got worse upon my departure. When I cut my trip short and returned home, however, she improved. Something about me coming home allowed her a recovery or remission of sorts. Her tumor stopped bleeding; she starting eating on her own; and she began walking much better. Since that time she no longer is affected by her tumor, and even though she struggles to get up from the floor, she is always up for her daily walk.
Beliefs can have that effect. They are powerful. To help clients who are struggling with an illness, try to connect them with an important mission. Assist them in finding a higher purpose, and it might make a difference. The flipside of this is exemplified in retirement. Those who feel like they lost their identity and purpose upon retirement may have a hard time enjoying it.
People who have a mission they really identify with rarely struggle with motivation. Rather than trying to address motivation on a behavioral level, look at the reasons for doing what you’re doing. Establishing or reconnecting with a purpose reduces the issue of motivation. When there is a strongly held mission, things like behaviors, motivation and identity are more likely to fall into place.
P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
Want to Relieve Stress and Improve Your Mood?
Posted by: | CommentsI recently completed Stress-Busting Mood Lifter, which is my current download of the month. While completing this audio I realized that it is useful to consider stress as a given—a necessary fact of life. What becomes important is how you decide to manage it.
With that in mind, I challenge you to think about the following.
- What are your strategies for managing the stress in your life?
- What would happen if you decided to actively create down time and didn’t give into the “I don’t have enough time” trap?
- Do you recognize that creating peace goes deeper than the circumstances around you?
So what do you do to manage the stress in your life? Do you use a proactive approach? How do you think of stress? Please share your comments, for I am curious about how others deal with the stress in their lives.
For more information about Stress-Busting Mood Lifter and similar recordings, check out my Belief Breakthrough Series™ 2011 Download of the Month Club.
P.S. This sunset photo was taken from my back yard, a great place for me to create peace and manage my stress.
P.P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.
What Do You Want?
Posted by: | CommentsIn my last post I described how the process of visualizing what you want can be a powerful motivator. Indeed, effective change is easier when you have a clear sense of what you want. When you can clearly state exactly what you desire, then your unconscious mind is more likely to “get it.”
In order to facilitate this, you should to spend a lot of time visualizing what you want, feeling and experiencing it in your mind’s eye. Doing this allows your unconscious mind to organize your thoughts and behavior in ways that will help you get what you want.
When you do exercises like these, it’s important to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Only visualize representations of what you truly would like.
When I utilize hypnosis with clients, I often use this process first. I find that by helping them clearly describe their goals and desires prior to hypnosis, their unconscious minds will be more receptive to suggestion while under hypnosis. They will then be more open to the reaffirming suggestions I make during hypnosis.
For example, if someone says that he or she wants to be engaged in learning on a more regular basis, then that person should talk about wanting to learn. In hypnosis, you can then suggest ways to make learning possible and to assist the client in being open to learning, saying things like, “When you leave here, you may discover that you learn more easily than before. You’ll realize how important learning is to you, and you may discover even more ways of learning.”
In this particular example, what’s important about the process is that learning has taken on new meaning. In the grander scheme, this exercise is about framing your mindset. You have to determine what you consider to be important so your mind will know how to go about the process of supporting that goal in just the right way.
Note: One of my goals is to travel on all of the major rivers of the world, and I’ve been on ten so far. The waterfall pictured was one of the many spectacular views I enjoyed while traveling along the Manú River in Peru. Have you visualized your travel goals?
P.S. Do you want to reprint this article? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.
About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.