
Follow Your Heart and Your Intuition

Carey Peters’ and Stacey Morgenstern’s Step Into Your Spotlight event went really well, and over the course of those few days she spoke about her previous coaches and mentioned me several times. Because of that and my rather conspicuous involvement in a similar event in Las Vegas earlier this year, several people recognized and approached me during the conference.

Being in the spotlight helped me make new connections, but something else played a role as well. I intentionally practiced saying yes to my intuition and to my heart while I was at this event. When I got a sense that I was supposed to do something, I just did it without question. Every time I did this, something extraordinary happened. For example, feeling an impulse to leave one lunch table, I ended up at another one and promptly met someone who wanted me to become his coach. During a 15-minute impromptu coaching encounter on a separate occasion, I helped one woman resolve a lifelong issue. Finally, over the course of a 20-minute conversation and coaching experience with someone else, I was able to assist her in making a significant “shift.”

All of this was pretty powerful. I initially set this intention—of saying yes to my heart—prior to Carey’s Las Vegas event. It had become woven into my consciousness because of working with Marcia Wieder for a year and recognizing the importance of following your dreams.

So learn to develop your ability to listen to a deeper message. It may not make rational sense, but if you follow that intuition, it will likely result in a very positive experience. My experience with this kind of intuition is that if it is positively motivated, it ends up “doing good” in the world. It can lead to random acts of kindness with a snowballing pass-it-on effect.

When I grow curious and wonder why this works, I think it’s because I’ve done hypnosis, which allows you to put in place the belief of self-trust and a willingness to accept what happens as a meaningful or positive experience, even if at the moment it doesn’t seem to be. When you become used to working with your unconscious mind, you spend less time questioning and more time trusting what’s happening. When we get caught up in needing reasonable explanations, the conscious mind intervenes, but this kind of experience doesn’t follow rational thinking. An openness to this kind of experience—to intuition—alerts your unconscious mind to opportunities in your environment that rationally may not appear as opportunities.

It can take a lifetime to develop the ability to follow your heart and trust your intuition. It’s like using a muscle; it requires exercise to fully develop it. So if you want to tap into a wealth of opportunities your unconscious mind can provide, practice listening to your heart and following your intuition.

I like to collect stories about belief change experiences. If you have any interesting ones, let me know or post them below so I can comment on them in subsequent articles or posts.

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About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.

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