
Learn to Share Your Story

This month’s tip is that you need to learn how to share your story effectively. You want be able to share your dream in a way that people can really identify with it. It’s important to be able to articulate your dream and talk about it in a meaningful way, sharing from the heart so that it resonates with people and so they know how to support it.

If you don’t share your dreams, people won’t know how to support you, but if you can describe your dreams well, people can help you and will want to help you.

Think of Martin Luther King, Jr. He didn’t say, “I want to share my 5-point plan…” He had a dream, and he knew how to share it!

Here’s an example of someone successfully sharing her dream during an on-stage coaching demo at HCI’s recent Step Into Your Spotlight event:

A woman originally from Puerto Rico chose to share her story of wanting to move from where she now lives in New York City to where she bought a farm in Costa Rica. She described how she would build a house and plant her own food so she could live a sustainable, eco-friendly existence and teach others how to do the same.

She started talking about how much money she’d need to pull this off, and at some point I felt a nudge to help her. I walked up on stage and gave her a $100 down payment for her dream. I started to leave, but she called me back to give me a hug and thank me. By the time I left the stage, there was a line of 20-25 people headed her way. In the end about 125 people gave money to help her achieve her dream!

Many people thanked me for leading the way, saying that things would not have played out the same way if I hadn’t. They noted that my willingness to step up at that time made a difference. I appreciated their input, but I would add that the most important factor in receiving financial support that day came from the woman’s own ability to describe her dream in a way that resonated with us. She knew how to share her story!

Do you?

I like to collect stories about belief change experiences. If you have any interesting ones, let me know or post them below so I can comment on them in subsequent articles or posts.

P.S. Do you want to share this post? Please do. Just be sure that it remains intact and includes the following bio.

About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW. http://terryhickey.com/

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