What if you could discover a way to fundamentally change the world for the better?
This was the opening line for the WHY Coach Certification Training program I attended in Denver earlier this month. After just three days, I could see that the WHY company can deliver—they have found a way to fundamentally change the world for the better.

The WHY Movement Begins: Terry with Gary
Sanchez at WHY’s first Certification Training
(from WHY® Facebook)
Ridgely Goldsboro and Gary Sanchez led our WHY program, the beginning of the WHY Movement. Ridgely and Gary help people discover their true purpose–their why–the reason they do what they do. As each training participant identified his or her own why, the responses ranged from “Wow!” to tears of joy.
There are nine whys described in this program. The most common why is to contribute to a greater cause—to make a difference or add value to the world. My mission is to help create a world to which others love to belong. I want to have an impact on leaders. Through the WHY program, I can go into corporate America to help create value-driven companies. Indeed, participating in WHY means I’ll be doing a lot of work with corporate America.
WHY coaches go into companies, identify the CEO’s purpose and create a way for that company to represent that purpose. Coaches get the main why from the company’s leaders to create teams and get people talking in a way that reduces friction and creates passion. As part of our training we witnessed a one-day corporate WHY workshop; when it concluded, the business owner said it was the best money he had ever invested in training.
My why is to make sense out of things, especially the complex or complicated. A lot of times when I’m working with people, I’m focused on figuring out what’s going on in order to help them recognize what’s going on. My how is often to discover and suggest a better way. (“Find a better way” people are always looking for ways to improve things.)
What is your why?
Note: The “Whyification” Process is explained in this book: The Why Engine: Inspire Your Team. Inspire Your Customer. Inspire Your Company. by Ridgely Goldsboro with Gary Sanchez, David Kirwin, Mike Sparkman and Herbert Lee. You can learn more by contacting me at 520.237.4435 or Terry@TerryHickey.com or by visiting this website: The WHY Engine.
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About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW. http://terryhickey.com/